!t's True, we're all a l!ttle !NsaNe.
t !t's so clear,
that !'m uNcha!Ned.

Fear !s oNly !N our m!Nds,
Tak!Ng over all
the t!me.
Fear !s oNly !N our m!Nds bu
t !t's tak!Ng over all the t!me.

You poor swee
t !NNoceNt th!Ng.
Dry your eyes aNd
You kNow you l!ve to break me. DoN't deNy.
Sweet sacr!f!ce.

ONe day !'m goNNa forget your Name,
aNd oNe sweet day, you're goNNa drowN !N my lost pa!N.

Fear !s oNly !N our m!Nds,
tak!Ng over all the t!me.
Fear !s oNly !N our m!Nds but !t's tak!Ng over all the t!me.

You poor sweet !NNoceNt th!Ng.
Dry your eyes aNd test!fy.
aNd oh you love to hate me doN't you, hoNey?
!'m your sacr!f!ce.

! dream !N darkNess
! sleep to d!e,
Erase the s!leNce,
Erase my l!fe,
Our burN!vg ashes
BlackeN the day,
a world of Noth!NgNess,
Blow me away.

Do you wovder why you hate?
are you st!ll too weak to surv!ve your m!stakes?

You poor sweet !NNoceNt th!vg.
Dry your eyes aNd test!fy.
You kNow you l!ve to break me.
DoN't deNy.
Sweet sacr!f!ce.

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